Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Hi Everyone,

Firstly I must apologise once again for my lack of 'blogging' in the past few months.  It's been a roller coaster of a year for me so far.  My son, who is a soldier in the american military, was based in florida, and after major back surgery became poorly and was in intensive care.  We got a call one day and literally flew out there the next.....thankfully he is now on the mend, so hopefully things may calm down for us for a while now.

I am off to the summer crafting show in doncaster this saturday, and am really looking forward to it.

I have been crafting, but havent put anything on here, but did manage to upload a couple of my mini albums to youtube...I will try and upload them here, but have had problems doing fingers crossed it will work. If not I will try and put a link to them. 

I hope this wet weather improves and hope you are all enjoying  your crafting.....

take care

Here are the links to the two albums I made on youtube.